Lying As a Tool of Accepted Manipulation
Segment # 092
Growing up the prospect of getting caught in a lie meant you were about to pay a price. Whether that mean punishment from a parent or a loss of support from the electorate, lying was not an accepted form of communications. The utopian world of the end of the 20th century was not as perfect as many of us would like to believe. We recognized that the tobacco industry was lying. We knew the US government was lying to us about what was happening in Vietnam. It became pretty obvious that Perdue Pharma was manipulating the message about the horrific impact of OxyContin. We were all too busy living to pay attention to problems that did not directly impact us on a personal basis. For whatever reason we did not as Americans make it clear that regardless of whether we separately felt the pain it was not apparently important enough for us to support our fellow citizens. And each time this happens it is apparent that we are giving away a little more personal freedom as we send the message that it ultimately is OK to lie, cheat, steal. Keep us divided and we will accept any pain borne by the opposition. Whoever is pulling the strings and I see it as a like minded conglomerate of the powerful that have compatible agendas have been evolving. They need to divide us by race, religion, sexual preference, and political preference. If we ever begin to cross these divides and truly feel compassion for those on the other side, the forces truly seeking equal justice will reclaim the country.
Trump is right about some things. Trump’s core message is that populism and Making America Great Again is in its simplicity the answer to bringing people together. Trump’s opposition knows this and can only succeed by discrediting him and by constantly misrepresenting everything he and his supporters are doing, which brings me to the point of this segment. I have been fascinated over the years trying to understand how people that disagree with me politically actually think and form opinions. With all we have seen during COVID and both Trump’s and Biden’s presidencies it has been pretty crazy. With the House shifting to the Republicans it is going to become far more difficult for good people on the left to not realize the lies they have been told over the past two years have been egregious and monumental in the pain inflicted on the American people. When you hold hearings on the on the border actually ON THE BORDER it will be pretty difficult to ignore. Maybe theatrical but that’s precisely how Abbott got the NYC pay attention when immigrants were bused into their city.
As a conservative, I could care less if someone was a Republican or a Democrat lying to me and knowingly hurting Americans. Many of us feel that we are Americans first and any allegiance to a political party has to be earned. Why don’t voters on left feel betrayed when their party clearly lies? In my judgment it will become harder and harder to ignore the gross lies represented below and described in some detail on the website. Americans have died from fentanyl poisoning as a result of the decision to not close the border. Americans died as a result of the FDA and CDC to do their job. Terrorists have crossed the border as a result of the failure to close the border. Kids have suffered as a consequence of unscientific mandates to close schools. Marriages have been destroyed, businesses closed, and inner cities have suffered as a consequence of the Biden Administration’s unscientific lockdowns. All of these horrendous events happened as a consequence of lying to the American public. How can this be possibly OK regardless of gender, race, political affiliation, income level, or sexual preference?
Of the over 10 million subscribers to Vsafe over 30"% reported some form of vaccine injury that required that they miss some school or work. One would think that fact alone would stimulate some debate on the safety and efficacy of the vaccines.