Authenticity Can’t Be Faked - Forever
Section # 277
The old nugget of wisdom “you can’t fool all the people all the time…” is usually attributed to Abraham Lincoln; however, it may actually date much earlier when “An intriguing precursor appeared in a popular 1684 work of apologetics titled: “Traité de la Vérité de la Religion Chrétienne” by Jacques Abbadie who was a French Protestant based in Germany, England, and Ireland. The following passage appeared in chapter two:[1]
… ont pû tromper quelques hommes, ou les tromper tous dans certains lieux & en certains tems, mais non pas tous les hommes, dans tous les lieux & dans tous les siécles.
Translation: have been able to deceive some men, or deceive all men in certain places and at certain times, but not all men, in all places and in all centuries.
You get the point which is seemingly being made almost every day by the Harris -Walz ticket. Why is this important? If you are a phony while you are campaigning, you can pretty much guarantee that you won’t be real when you are governing. With the help of our corrupt media, we are all being conned.
I’m gonna have me a beer
Shy little demure giggling Kamala looked about as real having a beer as Senator Warren did the same thing from her kitchen
I’m Going to do Me Some Hunting
You don’t impress men that you are a hunter and gun guy if you have a problem loading your weapon.
I’m Gonna Pick Me a Running Mate
This was so silly and obviously staged it was difficult for even the demo pundits to buy.